24×7 along nugget and President street. These are very dirty street prostitutes and you can get laid from R30. Also on Polly street near the Market street Junction. There is all sort of magoshas and they take you in the tiny cubicles where business is brisk. At night you will spot them along President street from Junction of Troye street all the way to Nugget Street.
Kempton Park
Around Greyilla, Long and Maxwell streets from around 7 pm till early hours. Beware of police patrols. Rates from R50 for short time. The mahosha/isifebe do not like whole night deals. There is plenty of white street prostitutes here.
Along Verona, Bouquette and High streets. The sex workers are littered all over and you cannot miss them. Sometimes they only start appearing after dark on other days even from noon. Rates from R50 and they do give better blow jobs and they are more patient even if you do not come quickly. You can also get some willing to give anal sex.
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